Emergency – Screen Queue Editorial https://editorial.screenqueue.com Editorial Content from the SQ team Tue, 01 Feb 2022 04:33:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://i0.wp.com/editorial.screenqueue.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/cropped-Color-logo-no-background.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Emergency – Screen Queue Editorial https://editorial.screenqueue.com 32 32 194739103 January 2022 Wrap Up https://editorial.screenqueue.com/2022/01/31/january-2022-wrap-up/ https://editorial.screenqueue.com/2022/01/31/january-2022-wrap-up/#respond Tue, 01 Feb 2022 04:28:48 +0000 https://editorial.screenqueue.com/?p=120 These are my top five movies of the month. No ranked by quality, just ranked based on how much I enjoyed them:

None of the movies above have been released yet so set a reminder! If you want to read my thoughts, keep on reading!


I would love to have a double feature with Zola and this film. I would call it, the “Horror comedies from a feminine gaze” duology. I’m afraid to say too much about this film but just know that it’s bonkers in the best way. Just go in it as blind as possible, you will have a good time.


I didn’t read the overview, I just heard great things from critics so I decided to buy a ticket and catch the second showing at Sundance. I couldn’t help but to think about Superbad while watching initially. Unfamiliar with the original short, I had no idea what to expect. At the most simplistic, surface level, the story is similar to Superbad. That said, the main commentary of this film is how something might be fun and lighthearted for a bunch of white kids, can easily turn into a nightmare for brown and black kids. Carey Williams did a masterful job with the directing and writing. RJ Cyler deserves some sort of award, he was phenomenal. Watch it when it’s released.

Good Luck To You, Leo Grande

Honestly, I saw Emma Thompson and just bought a ticket. This was like “The Kiss Quotient” without the romance factor. It’s a beautiful film about sex, self-acceptance and just enjoying yourself. It’s just wonderful and Emma Thompson gives another amazing performance.

Cha Cha Real Smooth

I don’t want brag but I’m like in the top 0.5% of HAIM listeners on Spotify. So when I saw the Este Haim composed the score, I had to buy a ticket. That plus a bunch of people on Twitter said it could be good. Oh my gosh this film is just charming. Like CHARMING CHARMING. A great coming of age story for those in their early twenties.

I Want You Back

Look, I know from the poster, you can derive the whole plot of the movie. It’s a romcom – everything is about the journey and not the destination. I had a chance to watch this early with one of my best friends in a screening full of ladies who were drinking wine. There was this one woman who added the best commentary and made the movie so much funnier. Scott Eastwood also had the best golden retriever energy and was excellent. The romcom renaissance is starting and I, for one, cannot wait. This is going to be my season.

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